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Technical Description Draft


            AirPods by Apple is an innovation that changed the way people used headphones. Headphones are used daily by every commuter from coast to coast. They have made these creations fit our daily lives, but Apple did an outstanding job by releasing the AirPods. This device has the capacity to charge while being stored away. Not only do the ear pieces have their own case, the case has a convenient size to fit in your pocket. As of today, in the Apple website, AirPods are assigned a price of $159.99 without taxes.

What’s in the Box

            Opening a box of AirPods can be so satisfying as new technology has come so far. In the box of AirPods you get three main things: a pair of AirPods, a Charging Case, and a Lighting to USB Cable. The Charging Case has the dimensions of 1.74 x 0.84 x 2.11 inches (44.3 x 21.3 x 53.5 mm) and weighs about 1.34 ounces (38g). Literally half the size of your wallet and weighs less than your phone. The AirPods in general have the dimension of 0.65 x 0.71 x 1.59 inches (16.5 x 18.0 x 40.5 mm) each and weighs 0.14 ounces (4g).

 Image #2: AirPods unboxing

            AirPods is on the top of the iceberg when it comes to headphones. First, when you pull out your AirPods out the charging case, they are ready to use. No need trying to connect them to your phone and all that. They turn on instantly and even connect to your apple device such as: iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, or Mac. When you first get them, it is a one-tap setup for all Apple devices. A cool feature about these headphones would have to be when you place them on your ears, as music instantly starts playing and pauses when you take them off. (Explain) Apple establish to make these headphones easy to manage. By double tapping on either side of the AirPods it activates Siri, which can adjust volume, change the song, make a call, or even get directions. The thing that concerns every single person is the battery life. These headphones have more than 24 hours battery life with Charging Case, and even better the case charges quickly.

            AirPods have two main components, including the charging case and the pair of AirPods. The charging case is the dock in which the AirPods can recharge and be stored in the time not being used. In other words, it’s the house of the AirPods. In addition, the charging case is more important than what a handful of people. Firstly, when connecting to a new phone we use the button on back of the case to make the device discoverable. Secondly, without the charging cases the AirPods have no other way to charge meaning that when they died that’s it until they are put in a charging case. A charging case is equipped with a lighting charger adapter and a battery with a led which indicates charge capacity. Keep in mind the charging case holds multiple charges for more than 24 hours of listening time. 

Image #3: Charging Case teardown 

            The second components are the AirPods, which consists of a left and a right ear piece. The left and right piece consist of the same systems and settings. According to Apple, AirPods use optical sensors and a motion accelerometer. This is how they detect if they are in your ear or not. In case one AirPod is being used the W1 chip automatically routes the audio and engages the microphone to the corresponding ear piece. The accelerometer works well with beam forming microphones to filter out background noise and focus on the sound of our voice. Battery life is so good that if you every come to AirPods dying they just take 15 minutes in the case for a quick charge and 3 hours of listening time. 

Image #4: Airpod’s teardown 

            The W1 chip manages battery life and it’s so efficient at it that AirPods deliver an industry leading 5 hours of listening time in just one charge.  


            In conclusion, we can see how AirPods took over the headphones industry. Compare to Apple EarPods which connect to a phone by lighting adaptor. The price different is huge as Apple EarPods are only about $30 compare to $170, with taxes included. Talking about common differences there are a couple. While the AirPods are wireless due to Bluetooth, the EarPods are not as they still have a cable and adaptor attached. In addition, that means EarPods does not contain a W1 chip, optical sensors and a motion accelerometer. The AirPods clearly outshine the EarPods as people want the latest technology which makes their life easier. AirPods made a strong statement taking the headphones society to the next level. Trying to improve the AirPods is going to be a complex job. 

Work Cited

Image #1: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjh-6iBp_DgAhVSMt8KHfn6AtUQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.apple.com%2Fshop%2Fproduct%2FMMEF2AM%2FA%2Fairpods&psig=AOvVaw0QodwrkG0Qk8a-BrJzwOCb&ust=1552057530248826

Image #2: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS812US812&biw=1029&bih=503&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=-1CGXOqoIauyggfH4aWQDA&q=airpods+unboxing&oq=airpods+unboxing&gs_l=img.3..0j0i5i30j0i24l7.27637.30226..30484…0.0..0.82.750.11……1….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i67j35i39j0i8i30.gvzAO9R25B0#imgdii=9ygCgYXKzz–XM:&imgrc=hKNpOhIBVOGqeM:

Image #3: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS812US812&tbm=isch&q=airpod+case+teardown&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjd4dHqkfrgAhUGZd8KHXgWBpgQBQhJKAA&biw=1029&bih=552&dpr=1.75#imgrc=BenAyTqcEJnuJM:

Image #4: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS812US812&biw=1029&bih=503&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=HE-GXJCYLae0gge0-KSQBg&q=airpods+specs+teardown&oq=airpods+specs+teardown&gs_l=img.3…66358.71281..71605…2.0..0.79.1344.19……1….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24j0i30.ypz7PmhbKGw#imgrc=TTos8jiHD2xXIM: